【Variety Get Together】Gather 'round, folks!

🎉 Read all about it! Variety Get Together is calling all audiences for a grand entertainment spectacle at 7/31(Sunday)!
Get ready for a grand show led by the one and only King of Hosting, Hugua Hu! Joining him is the incredible hosting team of Aaron Chan, Huiru Lai, York Kuo, and Lan Lan.
We’ve even got a special mysterious guest lined up for that day! 😍~
In addition to hilarious moments, captivating performances, and thrilling amusement,
there will also be the highly anticipated additional activities that everyone has been eagerly waiting for!
Join us and transform into stealthy ninjas, ⛩
exploring SHU SHIN BOU KIRIGAKURE! Let’s embark on an epic mission together and conquer exciting challenges!

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